Tech demo v.2 alpha
This scene is to demonstrate the possibility of showing art work in reference to real world objects. Simulated space that helps users to choose the right size of art work.
Camera lock
Lock users from free rotation and zoom in the scene.
Display info tag for image. Name and real world measurements.
Camera location options - side arrows
Select camera location from list of predefined options. This should give you better understanding of the size of the picture in the space.
Picture option
Using the navigation arrows within picture frame, you can select art piece that you like the most. Indicator located at the bottom of the frame informs you about the number of options to choose from.
Frame color
Choose one of pre-defined frame color.
Picture size
Select from list of options that can be provided by printing company. Real world measurements are applied to the picture for better understanding of its size in your space.
Wall color
Select camera location from list of predefined options. This should give you better understanding of the size of the picture in the space.
We need your feedback!
This project is currently being actively worked on and there is much that needs improvement. And there probably are features that you’d like to see or have us improve.