Tech Demos

Here you can see some of the more important features as they were developed and tested. This projects consists of over 50 components, but not all can be isolated as these here below.
You might have noticed those spiky cones in almost all demo scenes. These are in place as part of testing. VR headsets orient them self in real world using real world measures. Within the VR world the measurement are what we say they are. But to make everything easier to handle, everything inside and outside of VR strictly adhere to metric system. And so these cones are there in VR to match real world markings on the floor and making sure that the VR scene matches real world.
If you really must know 🙂 green square is 1meter, colored ones are square of 2 meters and each color means +/- X and +/- Z axis, lastly bigger beige ones are square of 4m on each side.

These demos require you to have a VR headset.

  • Animations

    Animations are part of GLTF file format. You can export them as part of your object and then access them by their names. You have option of triggering animation as loop repeat or only once. There animation modifiers that can be mixed into your existing animation by the amount of your choosing.In this case the […]

  • Carousel – Object Variants

    This component group will give user the option to switch between predefined sets of objects. In web development the closest feature would be image carousel. User is able to browse through set of carefully crafted objects that live in the same space as all their alternatives. From that set only one is visible and thus […]

  • Floor Import Feature

    In this application floors are used to define areas where user is allowed to go within the scene. The combination of one marker and number of floors then gives user the ability to roam around the scene and explore. These floors however do not define borders beyond which user is no longer allowed to move. […]

  • Gallery Image Tag

    This group of components have been inspired by gallery idea. images hanging on the wall usually have a small tag in their close proximity to inform viewer about the author and name of said art piece. In VR this presents a challenge of readability for these small tags. And so the tags rather having them […]

  • HDRi Source of Light

    Rather than creating complex scenes and geometry within your scene. You have an option to pre-render your surrounding into a HDR (High Dynamic Range) image. Images can also act as sources of light and reflections for the scene. This is fairly simple component allowing user to customize their background should they choose to use it. […]

  • Heads Up Display

    Not gonna lie here. This was one of more disappointing features developed within our application. Most of us have seen those Iron Man movies and really cool light objects hanging in front of ones face. Truth to be told, it is not as fun as it sounds. you can see for your self in this […]

  • Long Distance Jump

    This feature is designed to allow user jump further than their reach is allowing for. In order to save on processing times and objects that are being interacted with, beams coming from users controllers only reach 10 meters from controllers location. In this development example you can see floor objects purposefully located beyond users reach […]

  • Object Color Change

    Group of components to give user the ability to change the color of the object by simple interaction with menu and even color definition within the components code. However this approach requires further preparation of asset.In this tech example you can see that the object retains shadows in less lit areas. That is accomplished through […]

  • Object Texture Change

    Group of components to give user the ability to change the texture of the object by simple interaction with menu and texture definition within the groups code. Images are provided through additional option component. However this approach requires further preparation of asset.In this tech example you can see that the object retains shadows in less […]

  • Static Showroom

    This tech demo started as performance testing space to learn about limits of the headset. Textures and surfaces are in lot higher resolution than other scenes.However in this case the floor that allows user to roam around is completely missing. Leaving user only the spot of their origin (+/- the amount of distance user can […]

  • Tracking

    Collect scene performance data and user activity while users are interacting with your scene.Our application and more specifically components within this application communicate with each other through asynchronous events. One component has information to share and will broadcast its data to other components. Components expecting that data will receive that package and will process and […]